Month: July 2020


Shift of Technology after Covid 19

When I have realised the magnitude of Covid 19 globally, I have made a few predictions about CPQ market, including big investment in updating existing CPQ platforms, focusing more on self-serve options, and move away from on-premise solution to cloud-based CPQ solutions. Here’re are some articles about CPQ and other technical shift because of Covid 19.

Impact of Covid-19 on CPQ in the IT Channel

Everybody at channelcentral recognizes the human tragedy created by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. We had no real expectation of the impact of Covid-1…

What Technology Accelerates Long-Term After The Short-Term COVID-19 Danger Subsides?

1 ranked technology industry analyst Patrick Moorhead share some of his thoughts with the immediate danger of COVID-19 when it subsides and how we’re going to be looking at the radically different world and how it will look in terms of the tech industry.

Our post-coronavirus future: 7 ways the tech and services industry could be transformed | ZDNet

I have to confess: I have been having some difficulty writing about day-to-day technology subjects while the world holds its breath and is effectively at a standstill. I put on a good face, I still am hopeful.